MidAmerica Securities
Management Company
Ross DeValois: Devalois@MidAmSecurities.com
Rylan DeValois: Rylan@MidAmSecurities.com
404 E. College St., Suite 406
Iowa City, IA 52240This article discusses some unique characteristics of REITs, including how they can offer a consistent income stream and why changing interest rates can affect REIT performance.
When a mortgage is recast, the borrower puts money toward the principal balance of a home loan, reducing the monthly payment.
Many insurance companies have begun to raise rates, restrict coverage, or stop selling policies in high-risk areas.
This article presents the IRS’ cost-of-living adjustments for 2024 that affect contribution limits for retirement plans and various tax deduction, exclusion, exemption, and threshold amounts.
Determine whether you should consider refinancing your mortgage.
This calculator can help you determine whether you should consider converting to a Roth IRA.
How much do you need to save each year to meet your long-term financial goals?
Use this calculator to estimate how much income and savings you may need in retirement.